We the People
On every level, any real effort for the Good begins with we the people…YOU and ME. It only takes one person to get started. The significance of local and community involvement in any endeavor is historic. The ability and capacity to keep the environment, for example, the forests, healthy as ecosystems, depends on the reality of local or community ownership of the efforts. This reality exists
We The People…on a continuum. From formal to customary, regardless the ability to have resources and the capacity exists on the spectrum of control where decision making power is the key and ultimate objective. The continuum of support and consistent efforts are the keys to succeeding in this objective. Natural areas everywhere are under threat by the decimating forces of corporate agenda usually greatly influenced by profit making and greed.
Citizen rights to determine the future of their properties and own territories and the natural areas such as parks and forests are in jeopardy. The ability of communities to sustainably meet their needs and improve their living conditions must go side by side synergistically. The ONLY WAY to guarantee this is to support, promote and engage in MEANINGFUL PARTICIPATION, on a consistent basis. Naturally creating and sustaining these connections between personal commitment and willful efforts and a community priority creating a sustainable and conservationist model is a long term process. But the journey of a thousand steps always begins with ONE, YOU, and ME.
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