APA Symposium: The Meaning and Implications of a Religious/Spiritual Mindset in an International Stu

Meaningful Existence (ME) Scale SymposiumAPA 2019: August 8-11, Chicago, IL Type of program: Symposium Title: The Meaning and Implications of a Religious/Spiritual Mindset in an International Study Proposal ID: Two Subject Index Terms: 58 Religion and Spirituality, Division Sponsor: Division 36 (Society for the Psychology of Religion and Spirituality) Chairperson:Kevin A. Harris, PhD, LP, HSP,…

International and local approaches to animal welfare rights

First index term 51 Peace3. Brief Content Description: Accompaniment theory perspective, internationalperspectives, (which consider the impact of protecting ecosystems and animal habitats on animal rights and welfare), and local perspectives examining the health benefits of dog parks, will be explored. 4. Division to submit this proposal:48 – Society for the Study of Peace, Conflict and…